In order to reduce the noise, clutter and meaningless posts, I have decided not cover or post anything in 2007 related to:
- Yahoo
- YouTube
- MySpace
- Digg
- Microsoft
- Apple
- News Corp
- Any newly launched services already discussed else where in BlogLand
The reason for this is that I am getting so tired so read the same old story over and over again all over the blogoshpere. Really. How interesting is it to read that Google launched a new service 50 times the same day? Or about which company will acquire Facebook. Vista this and Vista that. Zune here and Ipod there. Alexa this and Digg that? Put a couple of these companies to John Lennon's "Give Peace A Chance" and you''ll get the spirit in which I am writing this ;)
Although I do not believe in New Year resolutions (I'm Jewish) I will try to be more selective about what I am writing from now on, less clutter and try to be more original rather that mirroring all the noise out there.
Disclaimer. I will only write about any of the above if the have anything directly to do with my business or changed something dramatically in my or other peoples life...
Digg it?
Technorati Tags: Blogging, Digg, Facebook, Google, MySpace, Microsoft, Yahoo, YouTube
i am ready to bet you will write about at least one of them....
Posted by: Ouriel Ohayon | December 28, 2006 at 01:40 PM
let us pray...
Posted by: Netanel Jacobsson | December 28, 2006 at 01:47 PM