A few weeks ago at the closing note of Le Web 3 , Yossi Vardi and Loic called for the creation of a new movement, "bloggers for a better world". The idea was that every blogger that joined this new movement would commit themselves to write at least one post on social responsibility and change per week. David Sifry bought the domain and it would be tagged bfbw or b4bw. Every blog part of this Bloggers for a better world movement, would carry a special badge. Shimon Peres also accepted to be on the Board for this movement which obviously added extra weight to it.
Now, I am all for everything that is positive and that would make this world a better place for us all. However, the following questions come to my mind:
- Is Yossi Vardi blogging?
- Is Shimon Peres blogging?
- Doesn't that say something?
- Will writing a post on social responsibility lead to that you take social responsibility?
- Isn't the real issue to work for a better world in general regardless of "platform" ?
- Are bloggers who badmouth, lynch, attach each other and wash their dirty laundry in public up for the challenge?
- In the light of the mob-like blog lynch of Loic in true Medieval spirit after Le Web 3, are bloggers mature enough to be a part of bloggers for a better world?
- Is this the blog version of "We are the world" and Live Aid?" were money for charity has been replaced by blog posts and rock stars with A-list bloggers?
I just say like Michael Jackson sings in "The Man in the Mirror":
"If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change" (nana na naa...;)
Technorati Tags: b4bw, bfbw, bloggers for a better world, Leweb3, Loic lemeur, Social responsibiliy, Shimon Peres, Yossi Vardi
Here is a compelling example of a blogger who just raised >$58,000 for charity: www.firstgiving.com/menuforhopeiii
Posted by: Mark Sutton | December 29, 2006 at 07:10 AM
Posted by: Netanel Jacobsson | January 02, 2007 at 09:16 AM