Windows Vista is just about to launch their official a viral campaign called Clarification.The focus of the website is the cartoon personification of Demetri Martin (best known from Trendspotting reports in the Comedy Central Show) appearing as a young man with psychological problems who has been send to an institution. It's really funny.
The question is just where Windows Vista comes into the picture...I started something, thinks that the connection is that Windows Vista is going to make the man the you man less crazy. Regardless of Microsoft's intentions with the site, it looks like it can become very popular with teenagers.
One point that they did miss (unless I missed something) is the possibility do copy & paste the video episodes and spread them through blogs etc. Anyway, very entertaining and very non-typical Microsoft marketing message.
I am more concerned that Windows Vista will drive me crazy when I need to install it....but I guess there might be a fitting institution for guys like me too...
Technorati Tags: windows vista, vista, viral, viral marketing, clearification, microsoft, psychology, demetri martin, daily show, trendspotting, windows vista campagin, advertising, marketing
Do you know who did this?
I want to work there, with these people.
Posted by: MarcoPolo | October 10, 2006 at 10:30 PM
It's actually Clearification (
Posted by: Jarrod | October 11, 2006 at 09:49 PM
It was done by Mekanism in San Francisco, for McCann of course. If you go to the "partake" area of the site, you can get "embed" code to embed links to the episodes in your blogs, etc, so I don't think that was missed.
Posted by: Blue Boy | November 08, 2006 at 05:11 PM